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C++ program that uses the template keyword to create a generic function for finding the maximum value in an array. This program demonstrates how to define and use templates, along with sample output and programming comments.

#include <iostream>

// Define a template function to find the maximum value in an array of any data type.
template <typename T>
T findMax(const T arr[], int size) {
    T maxVal = arr[0]; // Assume the first element is the maximum.

    // Iterate through the array to find the maximum value.
    for (int i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
        if (arr[i] > maxVal) {
            maxVal = arr[i]; // Update maxVal if a larger element is found.

    return maxVal;

int main() {
    // Test the findMax function with different data types.
    int intArray[] = {12, 45, 6, 78, 23};
    double doubleArray[] = {3.14, 2.718, 1.618, 0.577};
    char charArray[] = "template";

    // Find the maximum values for each array.
    int maxInt = findMax(intArray, 5);
    double maxDouble = findMax(doubleArray, 4);
    char maxChar = findMax(charArray, 7);

    // Display the results.
    std::cout << "Maximum integer value: " << maxInt << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Maximum double value: " << maxDouble << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Maximum character value: " << maxChar << std::endl;

    return 0;
Sample Output:

Maximum integer value: 78
Maximum double value: 3.14
Maximum character value: t
In this program:
  • Define a template function findMax that takes an array of any data type T and its size as arguments. This function finds and returns the maximum value in the array. The function uses a simple loop to iterate through the array and update the maximum value as needed.
  • In the main function, we demonstrate how to use the findMax function with arrays of different data types: int, double, and char.
  • Call findMax with arrays of integers, doubles, and characters, and store the maximum values in variables of the corresponding data types.
  • Finally, display the maximum values for each data type using std::cout.
  • This program showcases the power of C++ templates, allowing you to create reusable functions that work with various data types while maintaining type safety.

In C++, you can create template classes, which are classes that are parameterized by one or more types. Template classes allow you to create generic data structures or algorithms that work with different data types. Here's an example of how to define and use a template class in C++ with sample code and comments:

#include <iostream>

// Define a template class for a generic Pair of values
template <typename T1, typename T2>
class Pair {
    Pair(const T1& first, const T2& second) : first(first), second(second) {}

    void Display() const {
        std::cout << "First: " << first << ", Second: " << second << std::endl;

    T1 first;
    T2 second;

int main() {
    // Create instances of the Pair class with different data types
    Pair<int, double> pair1(42, 3.14);
    Pair pair2("Hello", 'C');

    // Display the values in the pairs

    return 0;
Sample Output:

First: 42, Second: 3.14
First: Hello, Second: C
In this example:
  • Define a template class Pair that takes two type parameters, T1 and T2. This class represents a pair of values, one of type T1 and the other of type T2.
  • The constructor of the Pair class takes two parameters of types T1 and T2 and initializes the first and second members of the class.
  • The Display member function displays the values of the pair using std::cout.
  • In the main function, we create two instances of the Pair class: pair1 with int and double types and pair2 with std::string and char types.
  • Then call the Display function on each pair to display their values.
  • This demonstrates how you can create a single template class that works with different data types. Template classes are particularly useful for building generic containers, algorithms, and data structures in C++.



